Members and Friends
A (likely incomplete) list of people who regularly attend LRUG meetings, or have attended a few of them, or maybe even just one. Maybe they just signed up to the mailing-list, whatever, it’s not an exclusive club or anything.
- James Adam
- Mooktakim Ahmed
- Ben Aldred
- Rob Anderson
- James Andrews
- Tom Armitage
- John Arundel
- Stephen Arneil
- Graham Ashton
- Artem Avetisyan
- Stephen Bartholomew
- Paul Battley
- Gavin Bell
- Eran Ben-Shabbat
- David A. Black
- Jonathan Conway
- Louise Crow
- James Darling
- Paul Doerwald
- Kevin Edwards
- J. Pablo Fernández
- Peter Golov
- Anthony Green
- Ben Griffiths
- John Hornbaker
- Mike Kelly
- Jason Lee
- Jonathan Lim
- Richard Livsey
- Graeme Mathieson
- James McCarthy
- James R. McCarthy
- Eleanor McHugh
- Rob McKinnon
- James Mead
- Paul Mucur
- Jim Myhrberg
- Dave Nolan
- Tom Stuart
- George Ornbo
- Chris O'Sullivan
- Matthew Patterson
- Sam Phillips
- John Plummer
- Thayer Prime
- Javier Ramirez
- Luke Redpath
- RossCo's agileweb
- Martin Sadler
- Abdel A Saleh
- Garry Shutler
- Murray Steele
- Andrew Stewart
- James Stewart
- Michael Studman
- Roland Swingler
- Romek Szczesniak
- Jan Szumiec
- Damien Tanner
- Tom ten Thij
- Andy Waite
- Dan Webb
- Craig Webster
- Matt Westcott