Book Reviews

LRUG members occasionally write book reviews of Ruby books. We’re collecting them here.

RailsSpace Tutorial DVD #1

Peter Jones reviews a copy of RailsSpace Ruby On Rails Tutorial by Aurelius Prochazka published by Addison-Wesley as part of their Professional Ruby Series.

Posted by Murray Steele on Oct 05, 2008

Design Patterns In Ruby #1

Laurie Young reviews a copy of ‘Design Patterns In Ruby’ by Russ Olsen, published by Addison-Wesley on his blog.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jun 12, 2008

RailsSpace #1

Matthew Rudy Jacobs reviews a copy of RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails by Michael Hartl and Aurelius Prochazka published by Addison-Wesley as part of their Professional Ruby Series.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jan 29, 2008

Beginning Google Maps with Rails and AJAX #3

Martin Sadler got a copy of ‘Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax - from novice to professional’ by A. Lewis, published by Apress and has published a review of it on his blog.

Posted by Murray Steele on Nov 26, 2007

Beginning Google Maps with Rails and AJAX #2

Paul Doerwald has published a review of his copy of ‘Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax - from novice to professional’ by A. Lewis, published by Apress on his blog.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jun 20, 2007

Beginning Ruby #3

Peter Jones reviews his copy of ‘Beginning Ruby’ by Peter Cooper, published by Apress

Posted by Murray Steele on Jun 14, 2007

Beginning Ruby #2

Eran Ben-Shabbat has posted a review of ‘Beginning Ruby’ by Peter Cooper, published by Apress to his blog.

Posted by Murray Steele on May 25, 2007

Beginning Ruby #1

Stephen Bartholomew has posted a review of ‘Beginning Ruby’ by Peter Cooper, published by Apress on his blog.

Posted by Murray Steele on May 25, 2007

Beginning Google Maps with Rails and AJAX #1

Graham Seaman reviews his copy of ‘Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax - from novice to professional’ by A. Lewis, published by Apress

Posted by Murray Steele on May 25, 2007

Anthony Green's Amazon Reviews #1

Anthony Green has been writing reviews of programming books on for a while now. Below is a list of his current Ruby book reviews.

Posted by Murray Steele on May 25, 2007