April 2023 Meeting

The April 2023 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 17th of April, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm). Note this is later in the month than we would normally hold the meeting, due to the Easter bank holiday.

This month we’re hosted again by the lovely folk at Cleo at their offices, in Shoreditch. Full venue and registration details are given below.


Making a working upwards assignment operator

Alex says:

Ruby has leftward assignment. It has rightward assignment. But what about upward assignment?

In this talk, we’ll misuse Ruby’s internals to build an arrow operator that lets us assign upwards. We’ll see some powerful Ruby metaprogramming features that allow us to bend Ruby to our will – and we’ll talk about why it’s good to write code that’s just plain daft.

  1. LRUG April 2023 - Alex - Making a working upwards assignment operator
  2. Upward assignment in Ruby

Build a mini Ruby debugger in under 300 lines

Stan Lo says:

As developers, we know that the best way to learn is by doing. Many of us have built mini-rails, mini-sinatra, and even mini-rubies. But have you ever built your own debugger?

In this talk, I’ll show you how to create a mini Ruby debugger that’s both powerful and fun to use. You’ll learn how to: - Run your program with debugger with a simple command - Set breakpoints and through debugger commands - Step through your code to find bugs

And best of all, you’ll do it all in under 300 lines of code!

  1. LRUG April 2023 - Stan Lo - Build a mini Ruby debugger in under 300 lines-lrug-apr-2023


Once we’re done with the talks we’ll leave the venue (after doing our best to help tidy up) and find a local pub for to eat, drink, and discuss the talks we’ve just heard.

Of course, even though this is the socialising part and seems more informal, please remember that still we consider it to be a part of the meeting and covered by our code of conduct.

Venue & Registration

Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees.

Secure your place

Hopefully you all remember that physical meetings involve finite space and so to be guaranteed entry you need to register via eventbrite.


The address of the venue:

Unit 2.10
2nd Floor
Tea Building
56 Shoreditch High St.
E1 6JJ

See on a map

The venue has a hard limit of 60 people. If you register and realise you can’t come, please use eventbrite to give up your place so we can someone else come in your place. We might be able to let in people on the night who haven’t registered, but we can’t guarantee it.

Posted by Chris Lowis on Mar 23, 2023