January 2022 Meeting
The January 2022 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 10th of January, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm). Still online.
Full registration details are given below, note that we will only be sending out the zoom meeting url to people who have registered, so please do make sure you do it.
This month, we have decided to offer something different: a pub quiz about Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and more.
LRUG Pub quiz
Are you proud of your knowledge of Ruby and Ruby on Rails? Invite your friends, and win bragging rights. Or simply invite them and enjoy spending time with them.
The quiz will have 4 categories, and each category will have between 20 and 30 questions. The 4 categories are:
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- General computing
- London
It’s been nearly 2 years of this and we still haven’t worked out a good replacement for hanging out in the pub after the meeting. That said we leave the zoom call running for a little while after the talks for folk to chat. We encourage the speakers to hang around too if they can, so you can ask them questions you weren’t able to during the meeting, or that you felt were too niche to share with the wider group. If you’ve got any ideas for something better, then please do let us know at organisers@lrug.org. Thanks!
Prior to attending you must familiarise yourself with our README paying particular attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we float on screens like so many tiny programming postage stamps.
Secure your place
Our Zoom meetings are artificially constrained by our miserly purses, so you need to register via eventbrite to secure a place. We only send the link to the zoom meeting to people who have registered. It goes out around about 6pm on the day of the meeting, so keep an eye out for it and check your spam just in case.
Give yourself a head-start by downloading the zoom client (lol, as if you don’t already have it).
Posted by Alessandro Proserpio on Dec 24, 2021