February 2022 Meeting
The February 2022 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 21st of February, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm).
Full registration details are given below, but do note that we will only be sending out the zoom meeting url to people who have registered, because we have limited places, so please do it.
It’s our annual ⚡️lightning⚡️ talks event. All short talks, all the time.
Javascript in Rails: A New Hope
Tired of slow webpack builds and daunting configuration files? Find out how the new css-bundling and js-bundling gems can roll back the years and make javascript in rails fast and simple again.
Getting past enemy images
Enemy images hinder our communication with people when we need them the most: to agree with another colleague over a code review, to interview a third party, to have an important conversation with our boss or direct report (technical or non-technical topic). In this talk we will raise awareness and cover one way of overcoming the initial enemy image to get a better outcome for us and our team.
The tale of the 60+ second page loads
A monstrous mystery and a head-scratching hunt. Follow along to discover why, just why, is that darn page so slow!?
The awesome dead_end gem gives really good feedback on where that elusive missing
keyword is hiding in your Ruby file. At a thoughtbot hackathon a few of us worked on a solargraph plugin for it so you can get this feedback in your editor. Come hear about the results!
Introducing ViewComponent
The view layer is the Wild West of Rails. Let’s look at how ViewComponent helps you break down and test your Rails views.
A Little Pessimism Never Killed Nobody
Come join and hear my experience on a real life example of concurrency problem and different approaches to fixing it.
Metaprogramming I Do In My Side Projects That My Colleagues Won’t Let Me Do In The Real App At Work :-(
Metaprogramming is fun but, more importantly, makes you feel really clever. However, it’s not always the best fit for codebases with multiple contributors. Let’s take a few minutes to explore some neat tricks you can do when you don’t need to worry about other people understanding your code 😀
How to think about Learning
Why do we learn? How do we learn? How do we learn well? 3 mental models that will answer the first 3 of those questions and change how you think
iPad giveaway
The kind people at Cleo, a fintech chatbot fighting for the world’s financial health, have kindly offered to sponsor the meeting to the tune of a couple of iPads. Everyone that attends the meeting will be entered into a prize draw to win one of these iPads and the winning names will be drawn from a hat*.
Cleo are currently hiring so check out their careers site, or apply directly for their two open roles for backend ruby engineers and senior backend ruby engineers.
Thanks Cleo!
* We may not use an actual hat.
The best we can do at the moment is promise that a few of us will hang out on the zoom call after all the talks are done to blather on for a bit. It’s a poor substitute for actually meeting up in person, but we’ll persevere with it. If you have some ideas about an alternative approach, then let us know at organisers@lrug.org.
Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we are all in our own little bubbles.
Secure your place
Even in a virtual world there are limited places for attending the meeting so you need to register via eventbrite. The link to the zoom meeting will only be sent to registered attendees on the day of the meeting, around about 6pm. Keep an eye out for the email and check your spam just in case.
Do prepare yourself in advance by downloading the zoom client.
Posted by Frederick Cheung on Jan 13, 2022