August 2022 Meeting
The August 2022 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of August, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm).
Full registration details are given below, but do note that we will only be sending out the zoom meeting url to people who have registered, because we have limited places, so please do it.
Low overhead Ruby profiling and tracing with rbperf
Javier Honduvilla Coto says:
Understanding our applications’ performance can be tricky. Some of the readily available performance tools introduce a big overhead which makes them not suitable for use in production environments, where in many cases, it’s the best place to troubleshoot performance issues.
rbperf is a low-overhead on-CPU profiler and tracer that is suitable for usage in production environments. It doesn’t require the application under investigation to be restarted or disturbed in any way.
We will discuss some of the tradeoffs in its design, its architecture, the features that make it unique, as well as its limitations compared to other tools. We will also take a look at how the Ruby stack is laid out in memory and the role BPF plays in rbperf.
When the talks come to an end we can’t quite replicate the convivial atmosphere of hanging out in a local pub with your fellow attendees, but we do leave the zoom call running to let those interested chat for a while. If you have some ideas about an alternative approach, then let us know at
Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we are all in our own little bubbles.
Secure your place
Even in a virtual world there are limited places for attending the meeting so you need to register via eventbrite. The link to the zoom meeting will only be sent to registered attendees on the day of the meeting, around about 6pm. Keep an eye out for the email and check your spam just in case.
Do prepare yourself in advance by downloading the zoom client.
Posted by Paolo Fabbri on Aug 02, 2022