October 2021 Meeting
The October 2021 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 11th of October, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm).
Full registration details are given below, and please do note that the zoom meeting url is only sent to registered attendees, so please do make sure you do it.
Solargraph: A Ruby language server to make your editor smart
Fritz Meissner has been working on the fledgling solargraph-rails plugin and wants to tell us all about it:
Language servers like Solargraph can give code editing superpowers to your favourite editor (Emacs, Vim, VSCode, etc.). I’ll talk about the Language Server Protocol and its advantages over editor-specific plugins, as well as how Solargraph learns about your Ruby. I’ll also talk about the challenges that Rails poses for such tooling and how solargraph-rails attempts to overcome them.
- LRUG October 2021 - Fritz Meissner - Your editor, Language Server Protocol, and Solargraph
- If The Shoe Fritz - A conversation between your editor and a language server
- The solargraph-rails plugin
- The solargraph project
How denormalizing our Postgres turned great
Thierry Deo co-founder and lead dev at Pennylane is going to tell us all about optimising their postgresql db:
It’s often considered best practice to normalize the database structure to avoid data redundancy and incoherence. In Pennylane’s accounting platform we’ve found that this actually does not always help with data coherence, and even introduces additional complexity in managing data access. Our combination of denormalizing some of our data, enhancing some of ActiveRecord’s methods, and introducing default behaviors in our application models has enabled us to greatly simplify access control management and given us confidence that our production data is in a consistent state.
Memoization: My Favourite Antipattern
Joel Biffin says:
As Rubyists we love to use built-in language features to set ourselves apart for the rest. It’s part of what makes programming in Ruby so enjoyable! Memoization is no exception to this. But, what if we don’t really need all of that memoization? Is memoization an anti-pattern in its own right?
We do our best to keep the zoom call open for a while after the talks for those attendees that want to chat for a bit afterwards. It lacks the general cacophonous ambiance of a pub, and you’ll have to bring your own drinks and chips, but it’s better than nothing. The speakers may be available so you can ask them questions you weren’t able to during the meeting, or that you felt were too niche to share with the wider group. If you’ve got any ideas for something better, then please do let us know at organisers@lrug.org. Thanks!
Prior to attending you must familiarise yourself with our README paying particular attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we float on screens like so many tiny programming postage stamps.
Secure your place
Our Zoom meetings are artificially constrained by our miserly purses, so you need to register via eventbrite to secure a place. We only send the link to the zoom meeting to people who have registered. It goes out around about 6pm on the day of the meeting, so keep an eye out for it and check your spam just in case.
Give yourself a head-start by downloading the zoom client (lol, as if you don’t already have it).
Posted by Murray Steele on Sep 20, 2021