March 2021 Meeting

The March 2021 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of March, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm), taking place once again in our virtual home. This will mark a full year of running LRUG remotely. Wild times.

Full registration details are given below. Please remember that we will only be sending out the zoom meeting url to people who have registered, so please do make sure you do it.


We've got two talks this month, but as ever, we always need more, from April onwards. Email and we will do our very best to nurture your seed of inspiration into a healthy plant of… content.

Data as a foreign language, or: A tale of two (or possibly three) type systems

Matt Patterson says:

Working with XSLT/XPath’s XDM type system in Ruby requires learning how to translate between two very different type systems in a way which allows for idiomatic Ruby without ignoring the bits of XDM which aren’t quite Ruby-shaped. Oh, and the only open-source implementation is in Java, so Java’s type system is in the mix.

I’ll look at a couple of cases where the different approaches and assumptions of Ruby and XDM (and Java, which just can’t help sticking its nose in) interact in an interesting way.

  1. LRUG March 2021 - Matt Patterson - Data as a foreign language, or: A tale of two (or possibly three) type systems

Sundae Club: Livestreaming Ruby on Rails

Max Shelley:

I host a weekly livestream where each week I work on a Ruby on Rails app and, along with those watching, we plan then build different features and discuss different possible approaches. It’s casual, aimed very loosely at learners, hopefully useful and receives positive feedback from those that watch or interact.

When I mention livestreaming to others, they’re often interested in how it works, what I get from doing it, what those who interact with the streams get out of it and how they could potentially get involved in streaming. This talk aims to answer those questions, along with any others you may have, come and say hello!

  1. LRUG March 2021 - Max Shelley - Sundae Club: Livestreaming Ruby on Rails


We're all at home so there's no post-meeting pub meetup, however a few attendees often hang around on in the zoom call after the talks are over. It's a pale-shadow of the pub meetup, so if you have some ideas about doing something better do get in touch at


Prior to attending you must familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we are all just little silent video characters.

Secure your place

Even in a virtual world there are limited places for attending the meeting so you need to register via eventbrite. The link to the zoom meeting will only be sent to registered attendees on the day of the meeting, around 6pm. Keep an eye out for the email and check your spam just in case.

Do prepare yourself in advance by downloading the zoom client.

Posted by James Adam on Feb 25, 2021