November 2020 Meeting

The November 2020 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of November, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm). In defiance of the new lockdown, we will be holding the meeting in Trafalgar Squ… no, of course not. We're still online. Stay home. Protect the NHS.

Full registration details are given below, note that we will only be sending out the zoom meeting url to people who have registered, so please do make sure you do it.


Thanks to the beautiful people who responded to our cry for talks, we've another two lined up for you this month, but we always need more. Email, yeah? G'wan. It'd be a real help.

Patches Welcome!

Everybody at LRUG probably uses open source software - unless they got lost on the way to another meeting - but it often surprises me how few developers take the extra step from using it, to contributing to (or releasing their own) open source software projects. I'm going to talk about how I got involved in the open source community, why I stay involved, and about my current open source projects

Denny de la Haye has been a programmer for nearly 30 years now - "although my ZX81 code is thankfully all lost in the mists of time (AKA audio cassettes and thermal printer paper)", he says. He has spent most of the last 4+ years writing Ruby, and most of the 15+ before that writing Perl. The switch between the two was less traumatic than he expected, but it did lead to starting another open source software project last year…

  1. LRUG November 2020 - Denny de la Haye - Patches Welcome!

Convention over Kubernetes: (Almost) Configless Deploys with Kuby

Rails' most well-known mantra is "convention over configuration," i.e. sane defaults that limit the cognitive overhead of application development. It's easy to learn and easy to build with. The development experience is fantastic… right up until the point you want to deploy your app to production. It's at that point that the hand-holding stops.

Heroku to the rescue, right? Just push your git repo to "heroku master" and never think about deployment again! Heroku is a great option for many small projects and the ease of deployment is exactly the kind of experience Rails developers are used to. To quote Aaron Patterson: "but at what cost?" You're tied to Heroku's stack and stuck within the limitations of their free tier. Heroku's add-ons can get pretty expensive too if you decide to upgrade later on.

How can we, but humble Rails devs, achieve the same seamless, turnkey deployment experience affordably? Enter the Kuby gem, a convention-over-configuration approach to deploying Rails apps using industry-leading technologies. Come learn how, with almost no configuration, you too can use Kuby to leverage Docker and Kubernetes to deploy your Rails app cost-effectively on a variety of cloud platforms.

Cameron Dutro currently works on the Quip team at Salesforce. He's been programming in Ruby and using Rails for ten years and has held previous positions at Fluther, Twitter, and Lumos Labs. When he's not reading about, using, or working on technology, Cameron can be found hiking in the hills behind his house or hanging out at home with his wife, daughter, and cat.

  1. LRUG November 2020 - Cameron Dutro - Convention over Kubernetes: (Almost) Configless Deploys with Kuby


For the good of the country, we have had to pause our normal post-LRUG pub time, but typically a few folks will hang on in the zoom call after the talks are over. We've been meaning to try the new self-selecting breakout rooms too, which we could. But inn general, the ongoing-pandemic after-meet experience could still use some work: if you have any ideas on that, do get in touch at


Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though we are all in our own little bubbles.

Secure your place

Even in a virtual world there are limited places for attending the meeting so you need to register via eventbrite. The link to the zoom meeting will only be sent to registered attendees on the day of the meeting, around about 6pm. Keep an eye out for the email and check your spam just in case.

Do prepare yourself in advance by downloading the zoom client.

Posted by James Adam on Nov 02, 2020