May 2016 Meeting

The May 2016 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of May, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (talks start at 6:30pm). The venue, Code Node between Moorgate and Liverpool St. stations, is provided by Skills Matter. Full venue and registration details are given below.


The Art of Code Review

John Cinnamond says:

Most of us do some form of code review, increasingly often through pull requests. Done well it can be a great tool for improving quality, sharing knowledge, and building a sense of cohesion in a team. Done badly it can be toxic. In this talk I’d like to look at the motivations for code review, examine research into its value, and suggest some practices on how to do it well.

  1. The Art of Code Review
  2. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : The Art of Code Review

A Tale of Two Deployments - Machine Images, Immutable Servers And Green/Blue Deployment

Asfand Yar Qazi says:

Imagine some of the worst things that could happen to you during cap deploy – well, they happened to Ali on the same day, and it turned into one of the worst days of his life. Interestingly, Sally in the office across the street had the exact same issues come up during her deployment. However her team had invested in their infrastructure sensibly, and deployed fresh immutable server clusters from pre-built machine images on each deploy. She could just relax, as the infrastructure had been designed to filter out most problems that could occur during deployment. Here is their story!

  1. Slides to an updated version of the talk
  2. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : A Tale of Two Deployments - Machine Images, Immutable

Convox: Painless deployment of Docker on AWS

Matthew Ford says:

Bit Zesty have been playing with Docker to help with Dev/Prod parity, but deploying and managing Docker images in production has been a pain. Convox helps by providing a simple Heroku-esque CLI to deploy and manage your application on AWS. We've been able to replace a bunch of terraform + chef/ansible scripts and use Docker in production without the headache.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Convox: Painless deployment of Docker on AWS

Ticket Giveaway


The nice people at Pusher have provided 5 tickets for Brighton Ruby conference, a one day, single track, conference for Rubyists & the Ruby-curious in Brighton on 8th July. The tickets were raffled off on our mailing list with the winners contacted on Thursdayday 5th May. Thanks Pusher!


We should be done with the talks by 8pm at which point have a choice to make:

  1. Stay at Code Node where Skills Matter have a cash bar and you can mingle with attendees of other meetups held that night.
  2. Head over to the Singer Tavern (located at 1 City Road, EC1Y 1AG) where you'll find a wide selection of food and drinks to choose from and a bunch of LRUG members to chat with.

If you're unable to attend the talks it's more than acceptable to come along to one of these venues to hang out with the rest of the LRUG members.

Venue & Registration

Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct.


The address of the venue:

Skills Matter CodeNode
10 South Place

See on a map


To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it's good manners, so please do register with Skills Matter.

You can also find this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell us you wish to attend. We mostly use it after the meeting to collect artefacts about the talks like videos, slides, writeups, code, etc.

Posted by Murray Steele on Apr 18, 2016