February 2012 Meeting
The February 2012 meeting of LRUG will be on Tuesday the 21st of February, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. It’s a great space with plenty of room for the group, but you still need to register to let Skills Matter know you are coming.
Lightning talks!
As is now traditional, we devote our February meeting to lightning talks. Not just any old lightning talks either, we use the 20x20 format for the talks. Each speaker has 20 slides that auto-transition after 20 seconds, giving them a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds in which to get their point across.
Our confirmed volunteers for 2012 are:
James Coglan
A History of Websockets
Jairo Diaz
“Tech interns” - How to get more qualified interns into Ruby.
Stuart Eccles
Conan the deployer - capistrano extensions focussing on AWS
Richard Livsey
Breaking up is hard to do - extracting authentication code from models
Harry Marr
Custom documentation generators (example)
Andrew McDonough
Ruby Poetry
Chris Parsons
The crowd-sourced talk. One slot at these evenings is given over to someone prepared to do a talk on something that the mailing list suggests, Chris is bravely wearing that mantle this time.
- My github fork with code used to run the benchmark
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : The Great Ruby Showdown
Roland Swingler
Reading tea leaves - predict the future with ruby!
- Useful background reading: “Forecasting” by Spyros Makridakis
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Reading Tea Leaves - predict the future with ruby!
Also, these brave folk have volunteered, but are waiting in the wings before confirming fully:
Jakub Šťastný
SockJS - a websocket emulation library
This is not the running order, on the night we randomise the order of the speakers for even more fun!
With all these talks on the night, you’re bound to want to chat to at least one of the speakers afterwards. Have no fear! We do that in The Slaughtered Lamb, which is only five minutes from Skills Matter’s offices. We’ll be there from about 8pm, so if you can’t make the talks come along just for the pub bit.
Skills Matter ask that you register your attendance with them if you are coming to the meeting. There’s usually plenty of space for everyone so it’s not a huge problem if you don’t register, we’ll still be allowed in. However, it does help with arranging the room to make sure there are enough seats laid out, and it’s polite (don’t forget MINASWAN), so please do register.
You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but be aware this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It’s just for the lols, innit?
Posted by Murray Steele on Jan 24, 2012