December 2012 Meeting
The December 2012 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 10th of December, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. Registration details are given below.
Going Native
Frederick Cheung will talk to us about FFI:
We all love ruby, but sometimes ruby is not enough. Whether it be a performance bottleneck, a killer library written in C or some platform specific functionality you just have to have, sometimes you need to drop down a level.
There have been many talks that show how to take the first steps in writing a ruby C extension. This isn’t one of them. I propose instead to give an overview of different ways of extending ruby and show what each approach brings to the table. I intend to cover ‘classic’ C extensions, RubyInline and FFI across a range of ruby implementations.
My tests run faster than your tests
Joel Chippindale says his talk will be:
An introduction to Zeus and the approach it takes for making rails tests run lightning fast.
Hermes, add wings to Ruby and Javascript development
Claudio Ortolina is going to tell us about:
Hermes: A Vim/Tmux development environment to easily work with Ruby and Javascript.
Even with 3 talks to cover, we’ll still aim to finish by 8pm and head over to The Slaughtered Lamb for some drinks. If you’re unable to make it for the talks, please do turn up for the pub-bit.
To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s polite (don’t forget MINASWAN), so please do register with Skills Matter.
You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It’s just for the lols, innit?
Posted by Murray Steele on Nov 28, 2012