April 2012 Meeting
The April 2012 meeting of LRUG will be on Tuesday the 3rd of April, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. Registration details are given below.
Demystifying dRuby
Makoto Inoue is going to talk to us about dRuby:
dRuby stands for "Distributed Ruby" and it's one of less known Ruby standard libraries. It is one of the first use of Metaprogramming long before Rails. dRuby creates proxy objects which lets you to "automagically"(In Matz's word) delegate method calls to remote objects. While I was translating The dRuby Book: Distributed and Parallel Computing with Ruby from Japanese to English, I had a chance to work with Masatoshi Seki, one of the Ruby core committers and has been using Ruby since version 1.2. I learnt a lot of interesting Ruby technique from him and would like to share some of them with you.
- Sample code (including original 160 line version of dRuby)
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group: Demystifying dRuby
Converting a Rails project from MRI to JRuby
Peter Vandenabeele want to talk to us about his experiences converting an Ruby on Rails app from MRI Ruby to JRuby:
Starting from a scaffold Rails app with RSpec and mysql/postgresl what are the steps to get rspec to pass on JRuby: * use .rvmrc to switch between MRI and JRuby * switch out gems (db, server side js, factory_girl 3 vs. 2) * require_relative => use proper load path * using 1.9 compatible mode for new style hashes * waiting for rspec takes longer … * use JRuby to connect to a Java lib (e.g. HBase jar) :-)
- Github Repo for demo project used in presentation
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Converting a Rails project from MRI to JRuby
Whatever we end up doing during the formal part of the meeting, we know it has to end by 8pm. After that we head over to The Slaughtered Lamb fore more fun. Attending the talks isn't mandatory for attendance of the pub, so if you can't make the talks you really should come along for the pub.
The nice folks at Yammer are sponsoring some drinks behind the bar, so it's an even better idea to come along.
To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it's polite (don't forget MINASWAN), so please do register with Skills Matter.
You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It's just for the lols, innit?
Posted by Murray Steele on Mar 26, 2012