March 2009 Meeting
The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of MArch, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. As usual our hosts Skills Matter will provide the space, either at their offices or their overflow venue, depending on the number of registrations. On very busy nights we’ve had to turn people away, so make sure that you do register your attendance early to avoid this.
Redcar: Ruby, Gnome and Textmate
Daniel Lucraft has been building Redcar for some time now and wants to talk about it:
Redcar is a programmer’s text editor for Gnome, written in Ruby. In this talk I’ll show off Redcar’s features, and then take a look into how it’s implemented. We’ll also look at the Ruby-GNOME2 bindings, and how to interface Vala (a C# like language) with Ruby for performance.
Daniel’s even hoping to push his first milestone release of Redcar just before the meeting. You can track his progress on the Redcar lighthouse project.
Cucumber, Celerity, & FireWatir
Aidy Lewis is going to give a talk about testing:
The talk will explain Story-Driven-Development(SDD) and its benefits. A sample application will be built in real-time using SDD with Rspec Cucumber. Tests will be run in-browser with FireWatir and through a headless-browser using Celerity and JRuby.
It’s tradition that after the talks we descend on The Crown Tavern, and make it difficult for anyone to get served at the bar for about 20 minutes. This pub is very close to Skills Matter, and only a short stumble across Clerkenwell “Green” from the overflow venue if we’re using it, and therefore is perfect for our post-meeting activities. The meeting normally wraps up at about 8:00pm, so if you can’t make it to that but still want to talk ruby, you’ll find plenty of rubyists in this pub. Come along!
Please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. As we mentioned above, they need us to register for fire-regulations and making sure we get the best sized room for the number of attendees.
There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring, but this is not a place to indicate attendance in a meaningful way for Skills Matter.
Posted by Murray Steele on Feb 17, 2009