June 2009 Meeting

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of June, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. As usual our hosts Skills Matter will provide the space at either their offices or one of their overflow venues. The venue we get is dependent on how many people register and the availability of sponsorship to pay for a larger room. Do your bit by registering early.


RDF in Rails

Patrick Sinclair will be talking about publishing RDF from Rails and getting the community to participate in Linked Data.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : RDF in Rails

DSL Or A Code Smell…

Abdel A. Saleh recently ran a code review of a DSL he was writing at work. He’s going to let us know what he learned from that experience:

DSLs are very powerful tools but are they always necessary? This is a tale in code about my work on a small ‘Request Throttling’ library where I thought I needed a DSL but it turned out I was sorely mistaken. I’ll highlight some common DSLing techniques and the decisions that steered me away from them.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : DSL or a code smell…

2 Apps, 1 Test : Distributed Ruby Unit Testing

Tom Lea has a distributed testing framework called Drunit that he’s going to tell us about. Drunit (from the Readme) is:

A library for running tests across multiple applications from a single test case.

and, crucially:

Over 14% more awesome than a bag of chips.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : 2 apps, 1 test : Distributed ruby testing


At the end of all this we like to drop our polite facade and scramble to be first at the bar and woe betide anyone that gets in our way. The pub we head to is The Crown Tavern, which is conveniently located close to all of the venues that Skills Matter provide. If the main meeting doesn’t fit with your hectic schedule surely you can fit in a pint on the way home? We aim to finish up the talks at 8pm, so come to the pub for then and chat with your local ruby community.


We need people to register with Skills Matter if they are planning on attending. Registration lets Skills Matter know how many people to expect to turn up and plan the venue accordingly. If enough people register we need to book a larger venue, but that can take some time so Skills Matter need some notice to do so. So please register as early as you can. If you register late they might not have enough time to book a larger room and you might get put on a waiting list or simply turned away. We don’t want that!

There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring, but this is not a place to indicate attendance in a meaningful way for Skills Matter.

Posted by Murray Steele on May 19, 2009