October 2007 Meeting
The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of October, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..
Ian White has developed a rails plugin called resources_controller which he’s going to show off to us. It answers the problems that many rails developers have noticed with the new RESTful approach; RESTful controllers are mostly boiler-plate code - repeated over and over.
More about the plugin can be found on Ian’s blog and the slides are available at the same place.
Netbeans - The open source Ruby IDE written in coughJavacough
DJ Walker-Morgan was lined up to do a demo of Netbeans as a ruby development platform at the LRUG BoF session at the No Fluff Just Stuff Exchange. Unfortunately, timing constraints meant he didn’t get to give it so we’ve invited him to run it at this month’s LRUG meeting instead.
His talk will be heavily demo-based, so he can show off the features that Netbeans provides to the ruby developer. He’ll be covering the latest release 6.0 Beta 1 which has a boat-load of new ruby/jruby/rails support.
Slides are available here.
Post-talks The Crown Tavern, conveniently located just round the corner from the Skills Matter offices, becomes our home for the rest of the evening. There’s usually a lot of good discussions here, so if you don’t think you can make it for the presentations then just come along to the pub, you’re more than welcome.
As usual, please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. This way they can manage seating and make sure we get the most appropriately sized room. There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.
Posted by Murray Steele on Sep 28, 2007