July 2007 Meeting

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of July, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..


It’s a testing spectacular this month, with both talks focusing on testing methodologies and the libraries that make sticking to those methodologies easier.


First up we have James Mead with a talk called “An Introduction To Mocking In Ruby”. This talk will explain what mocking is and why you might want to use it in your tests. James is the author of Mocha, a mocking library for ruby, and this talk will also cover how to get started with mocking in Mocha.

Slides and extra mocha info can be found on James’ blog.


After much demand for a talk about RSpec from LRUG members, Tom Stuart stepped up to the bat. His talk, titled “RSpec On Rails” will do exactly what it says on the tin; explain RSpec and how to use it with Rails instead of the default Test::Unit tests.

Slides and some extra examples are available from Tom’s blog.

  1. RSpec (on Rails)


After all this we’ll head to The Crown Tavern just round the corner from the Skills Matter office to test (sorry) their beers. Attendance of the main meeting is not a pre-requisite of coming to the pub, so if you can’t make the main meeting it’s ok to just turn up for the pub.


As usual, please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come, so they can manage seating and making sure we get the most appropriately sized room. There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jun 20, 2007