April 2020 Meeting

The April 2020 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 6th of April, from 6:20pm to 8:00pm (meeting starts at 6:30pm). The venue this month is provided by…



PhysicalProximityError: meetings of > 2 people are currently forbidden

That’s right folks – while we all collectively do our part to battle COVID-19, LRUG too must adapt for this brave new world of staying the hell indoors.

The good news is that we’ve done some testing and we think we can hold a decent version of LRUG online, from the safety of our own respective homes. The very kind folks at Cleo have loaned us their generously-appointed Zoom account and we’re going to try running the meeting using that this month. There are likely to still be a few rough edges while we learn to translate our super-polished absolutely-no-faffing-around-ever-with-laptops-and-projectors high-production-value process into this new medium, but we will get there in the end.

Full registration details are given below. We will only be sending out joining details to people who have registered, so please do make sure you do it.


Food & Drinks

Hopefully you have some to hand. Or you could always nibble on that hoard of toilet paper? Anyway.

We’ve got two talks for you in April; we’ve got room for a third, and we desperately need more for the rest of year (cough talks@lrug.org cough), but anyway, where’s what we’ve got so far:

How to take control of code quality

Joel Chippindale:

We all know how valuable it is to keep the quality of your code high. Working on a high quality codebase is more enjoyable and enables us to deliver value much more effectively for our users and yet, time and again I hear engineers saying, “I am not allowed to spend sufficient time on code quality”.

This talk clarifies the value of maintaining a high quality codebase, gives you guidance on how to talk about this to help you get the support of your colleagues and managers for spending time on this and also outlines some key practices that will help you achieve this.

  1. LRUG April 2020 - Joel Chippindale - How to take control of code quality
  2. How to take control of code quality
  3. How to take control of code quality

Music Experiments in Sonic Pi

Rob McKinnon:

Let’s celebrate Sonic Pi’s v3.2 release, scheduled for 28 Feb! Sonic Pi’s an open source Ruby code-based music creation and performance tool.

Rob’s presenting a few experiments in Sonic Pi, covering oddities such as:

  • negative melody
  • Jianpu (numbered musical notation)
  • just intonation
  • microtonal music - 19 EDO (Equal Division of the Octave)
  • interfacing with MIDI controllers over USB and bluetooth BLE.

Also Rob will walk us through a memory management improvement PR to Sonic Pi - that may have made it into the release.


Afterwards… well, that’s a good question. Obviously there’s no pub, but we invite you instead to conjure up the image of a gently roaring fire, and perhaps to open a beer or other beverage while holding that image in your mind, and then think to yourself that it’s really a wonder to be alive at all, even in strange times such as these, and really doesn’t it demonstrate how much we all rely on each other, on our neighbours and colleagues and friends, and gosh darn it we shouldn’t forget that when this is all over, that we truly do need each other, and we shouldn’t take each other for granted, and dammit Billy I just gotta say it that I love you dude, I know I shoulda said it before all this, but I want to say it now so you know, you’re a good friend Billy, you really are, and thanks for being there for me.

Or there’s always telly.


Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees, even though there’s no pub or venue. Basically they are good rules to generally live your life by.

Secure your place

You can register to attend via eventbrite.

It’s vital that you register because we will only be sending out the meeting connection details to those registered attendees. So keep your eyes peeled for an email in your inbox on the day.

Some of you may already be living your days in Zoom meetings but if not, and if you want a head start, you can make sure you have the Zoom client by visiting their download page.

So that’s that. All that remains to be said is




Posted by James Adam on Mar 24, 2020