October 2016 Meeting
The October 2016 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 10th of October, from 6:45pm to 8:45pm (talks start at 7:15pm). The venue, Code Node between Moorgate and Liverpool St. stations, is provided by Skills Matter. Full venue and registration details are given below.
Development Re-bundling in Dockerland
Charlie Egan has some tips for developers using docker and bundler:
For almost a year I’ve enjoyed using Docker and docker-compose to work on various Ruby projects. However - bundle installations when building images have been always been painful. This talk is about exploring the rather unsatisfactory options available to speed up the process of “development re-bundling”.
- bundlecache [Example code]
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Development Re-bundling in Dockerland
A month of I18n in 10 minutes
Chris Radford is going to tell us how to make i18n a smooth process:
Translating websites has been A Thing(tm) since the earliest days of the web, so how does it take over a month to translate a website with less than a dozen pages? In this talk Chris walks us through the minefield of internationalisation and some of the common pitfalls of translating a website.
Joining the mob: Top 12 mob programming tips and thoughts
Emma Beynon wants to share how she and her team got on with mob-programming:
What happens when you get 5 developers to work on the same problem on the same computer at the same time? Emma’s team at GDS took collaboration to the next level by trying out mob programming. Find out what they learned from their mobbing experience, and take away a few tips to try it in your team.
An open-source contribution story
Murray Steele has a story to tell:
A short story about a contribution I made to rubygems that took a couple of years. And how that’s totally ok.
- Talks ∋ A rubygems contribution story - slides and transcript
- Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : An open-source contribution story
Our talks will be done by 8:45pm after which you can find LRUG attendees in one of these venues:
- The downstairs area at Code Node. Skills Matter have a cash bar with a choice of drinks on offer. If there are other meetups on the same night you can hang out with those attendees too and find out what’s going on in other technology communities.
- The Singer Tavern (located at 1 City Road, EC1Y 1AG). For those who want to eat as well as drink after the talks, you’ll find many LRUG attendees here. There’s a wide selection of drinks, and some tasty food on offer too.
Attendance of the talks isn’t a requirement for coming along to the afterwards part. Do turn up and say “hi!”, you’ll be more than welcome.
Venue & Registration
Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct which applies to all attendees at the talks, or afterwards in the pub.
The address of the venue:
Skills Matter CodeNode
10 South Place
See on a map
To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s good manners, so please do register with Skills Matter.
You can also find this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell us you wish to attend. We mostly use it after the meeting to collect artefacts about the talks like videos, slides, writeups, code, etc.
Posted by Murray Steele on Sep 30, 2016