August 2016 Meeting

The August 2016 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of August, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (talks start at 6:30pm). The venue, Code Node between Moorgate and Liverpool St. stations, is provided by Skills Matter. Full venue and registration details are given below.


Action Cable

Jairo Diaz is going to tell us about the newest addition to rails:

Action Cable is a Rails framework for real-time communication over websockets introduced in Rails 5.0. With Action Cable we can develop interactive applications and live notifications to our users.

  1. Action Cable Live Demo
  2. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Action Cable

The Marvel Guide to Developers

Melinda Seckington wants to talk to us about superhero developers:

Forget ninja developers and rockstar developers. What I’m more interested in is the superhero developer: these are the developers that do their best to help others, that try to give back to their community, and generally make the world a better place.

So how can we all strive to be superhero developers? Using the origin stories and lessons from Marvel superheroes, this talk will help you become the type of developer that amplifies and helps others.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : The Marvel Guide to Developers

Tell, Don’t Ask

John Cinnamond has a deleted-scene from his Brighton Ruby talk on OO programming to share with us:

Everything you ever need to know about how to write the most wonderful code, in 10 minutes.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Tell, Dont Ask


We’ll be done with the talks by about 8pm. If you’d like to continue talking to your fellow LRUG attendees about the topics brought up by the speakers, goings on in the ruby community at large, or anything else you have a choice to make. You can:

  1. Hang out in the downstairs area at Code Node. Skills Matter run a cash bar and you can mingle with attendees of other meetups held that night.
  2. Take a short walk northwards and visit the Singer Tavern (located at 1 City Road, EC1Y 1AG) for some food to go with your post-talk drink.

If you can’t make the talks you are more than welcome to come along afterwards to hang out with us.

Venue & Registration

Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README paying close attention to the code of conduct.


The address of the venue:

Skills Matter CodeNode
10 South Place

See on a map


To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s good manners, so please do register with Skills Matter.

You can also find this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell us you wish to attend. We mostly use it after the meeting to collect artefacts about the talks like videos, slides, writeups, code, etc.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jul 19, 2016