June 2014 Meeting

The June 2014 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of June, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. Registration details are given below.


Patterns & Antipatterns in Teaching

Mal Pinder says:

My talk will be about the techniques & approaches that worked (and didn’t work) for us while I was teaching at Codecraft.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Patterns & Antipatterns in Teaching

Adventures with data structures and algorithms

Najaf Ali says:

Hola amigos! We need to have a chat about data structures and algorithms. I’ve been messing around with them on-and-off over the past few years and I believe you’ll find spending more time learning them valuable. Here’s what I’m going to talk about:

  • Why you should bother learning about them at all, especially if you think you won’t use them at work.
  • Some fun examples of data structures/algos you’ve heard of (and probably some you haven’t) and how they’re put to work in software you use every day.
  • Ways of learning them that I’ve found to be fun and effective.

I swear in the name of Knuth that there shall be no mention of big-o notation or sorting algorithms. Also, I will attempt a live demo of one of the algos using the SATR transport protocol. It probably won’t work if you are good at the maths and feeling mischievous.

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Adventures with data structures and algorithms


We have to leave Skills Matter’s offices by 8pm so we continue the meeting in a nearby pub, The Slaughtered Lamb. This is a great opportunity to chat to the speakers and other group members; even if you can’t make it for the talks earlier in the evening.


To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s polite (don’t forget MINASWAN), so please do register with Skills Matter. Prior to attending you should familiarise yourself with our README.

You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It’s just for the lols, innit?

Posted by Murray Steele on May 25, 2014