November 2012 Meeting

The November 2012 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 12th of November, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. Registration details are given below.


An introduction to Rubymotion: Writing iOS apps with Ruby

Andrew Nesbitt says:

Rubymotion lets you write native iOS apps in Ruby, this talk explores the toolkit and the community that has sprung up around it.

  1. An introduction to RubyMotion
  2. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : An introduction to Rubymotion: Writing iOS apps with Ruby

Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)

Khash Sajadi says:

This is an introduction to scalable background processing in Ruby (and Rails) applications. It discusses best practises on task management, managing and scaling long running processes in apps and overviews different solutions from high end of Delayed Job to more detailed ones like Event Machine.

  1. The Beanstalk : Background Processing in Ruby
  2. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)


The talks will finish around 8pm, but that doesn’t mean you have to go home. Oh no! Us LRUG folks are a friendly lot, and so we continue the evening over at The Slaughtered Lamb which is a short walk from the Skills Matter office. Do join us there if you can’t make the formal talks.


To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s polite (don’t forget MINASWAN), so please do register with Skills Matter.

You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It’s just for the lols, innit?

Posted by Murray Steele on Oct 18, 2012