October 2012 Meeting

The October 2012 meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 8th of October, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Our hosts Skills Matter will be providing the space, at their offices on Goswell Road; The Skills Matter eXchange. Registration details are given below.


Beautiful command-line interface design

John Leach is going to talk to us about CLI apps:

A lot of importance is placed on good GUI design but it’s easy to overlook good command line interfaces.

Taking from our experiences writing the Brightbox Cloud cli (and years of using cli tools, both good and bad), this talk will show you some of things you need to consider when designing a good cli interface (with a focus on Ruby!).

And all this without turning to ncurses!

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : Beautiful Command-line interface design

DTrace + Ruby

Anuj Dutta has been poking about with DTrace, a performance analysis and troubleshooting tool, and wants to talk to us about it. He describes his talk as “An introduction to DTrace and it’s current state in the Ruby world”. You should care because hooks for DTrace are being added to ruby as we speak, (although they are targetting Ruby 2.0).

  1. Skills Matter : London Ruby User Group : DTrace + Ruby


The formal part of the evening is usually done no later than 8pm, but that’s not when we go home. We continue the meeting in a more relaxed setting at The Slaughtered Lamb. If you can’t make the talks there are usually plenty of rubyists propping up the bar and arguing long into the evening about their preferred hash syntax, so please do come along!


To secure a place at the meeting you must register with our hosts Skills Matter. It helps to make sure we have the room laid out with enough chairs, and in extreme cases that we get priority on the larger rooms over other groups using the space on the same night. Also, it’s polite (don’t forget MINASWAN), so please do register with Skills Matter.

You can also follow this meeting on lanyrd, but this is not a meaningful way to tell Skills Matter you wish to attend. It’s just for the lols, innit?

Posted by Murray Steele on Sep 18, 2012