July 2008 Meeting
The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 14th of July, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. It’s very likely it will held be in the Skills Matter overflow venue at The Old Sessions House on Clerkenwell Green. Please do register your attendance early (see the note about registration below).
Note: Expect more info on each of these talks as we get closer to the actual date of the meeting.
Starling + Memcached
- James has had to pull out due to a double booking. Stay tuned for a replacement.*
James Cox says this about his talk:
As part of my anti-hermitization, I’ll be swinging by LRUG for possibly the first time to show off starling and why it’s cool. Starling was a project born from trying to manage message queues using memcached. I’ll try and explain how it came about, show how it works and figure out some ways it could be used productively.
RabbitMQ + Ruby
Ben Hood kindly offered to step in and talk about some work he’s been doing with RabbitMQ and ruby. The outline is:
- Characterize the motivations behind messaging in Ruby applications;
- Touch on the current approaches that have been taken;
- Look at what AMQP offers in general;
- Discuss how this potential can be harnessed in a Rubyesque fashion;
- Elaborate using real example on what has been developed to date and what is currently being worked on.
A video of Ben’s talk, filmed by Skills Matter is available on Google Video.
Acts As Xapian
I’d like to give a talk about my new Rails search engine plugin, which is called acts_as_xapian
Francis will probably also cover some of the site’s he’s been using xapian on, such as WhatDoTheyKnow.
A video of Francis’s talk, filmed by Skills Matter is available on Google Video.
The talks generally are all done and dusted by 8pm, at which point we decamp to the local pub, The Crown Tavern for a spot of socialising. If you can’t make the talks for whatever reason, you’re always welcome to turn up just for the post-mortem in the pub.
Please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. Registration allows Skills Matter to organise a larger room if we need it. For the past few meetings we’ve used their overflow venue and thus avoided having to turn people away because of fire-regulations. We hope to do so again so please register now rather than later (Skills Matter need about a weeks notice to book the larger room).
There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring, but this is not a place to indicate attendance in a meaningful way for Skills Matter.
Posted by Murray Steele on Jun 19, 2008