June 2008 Meeting

Books and Brownies (20080609-R0011188.jpg)

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 9th of June, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. It’s likely, if enough people sign up, that it will be in the Skills Matter overflow venue at The Old Sessions House on Clerkenwell Green. However, if people don’t sign up early enough we’ll be in the normal 1 Sekforde St. venue. So please do register your attendance early (see the note about registration below).


Ruby as Multimedia glue

Nick's DS Playing Timeshifted TV (20080609-R0011214.jpg)

Nick Ludlam offers up:

A talk about implementing a gem for communicating with the open source MythTV software, streaming and transcoding recordings on the fly with the aid of Mongrel, and viewing them using a custom interface written using RubyCocoa on Mac OS X. The talk will be a whistlestop tour of the various aspects of getting all this working.

Nick released the various components that he talked about on his website and on his github account.

A video of Nick’s talk, filmed by Skills Matter is available on Google Video. His slides are also available.

Genomes On Rails

Big (20080609-R0011197.jpg)

Matt Wood is going to give a talk about the work he’s been doing with rails at work:

The Human Genome Project aimed to determine the entire DNA sequence of man: it was completed in 13 years after an international effort and a billion dollar budget. To further our understanding of DNA, genes, proteins and their function, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is building the next generation of high throughput sequencing, using Ruby and Rails. This talk will cover the infrastructure required to handle multi-petabyte, highly scalable systems and how we’re using Rails to quickly build flexible software to support this effort.

Matt also gave a longer version of this talk at RailsConf Portland 2008 on the Sunday.

A video of Matt’s talk, filmed by Skills Matter is available on Google Video. His slides are also available.


We’ll head on over to The Crown Tavern for a drink after the talks. We aim to finish the talks at around about 8pm, so if you don’t think you’ll be able to make it for the talks head on over to the pub to catch up on what went on.


Please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. Registration allows SKills Matter to organise a larger room if we need it. For the past few meetings we’ve used their overflow venue and thus avoided having to turn people away because of fire-regulations. We hope to do so again so please register now rather than later (Skills Matter need about a weeks notice to book the larger room).

There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring, but this is not a place to indicate attendance in a meaningful way for Skills Matter.

Posted by Murray Steele on May 27, 2008