February 2008 Meeting
The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 11th of February, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, and we'll be returning to our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..
Lightning Talks
This month, we're going to have a series of lightning talks from various members of the local ruby community. To make it even more interesting, all the presentations will follow the 20x20 slide format (also known as Pecha Kucha). The presenter has 20 slides which are displayed for 20 seconds each, giving a total presentation time of 6:40. It should be a fun evening, as with only 6:40 in which to get your point across the presenters will have to be economical with their words, and possibly leave out things like justification or proof for their opinions.
We're aiming to have between 8 and 10 presenters. Those already confirmed are:
- James Adam - "Rails is not the only fruit"
- Richard Livsey - RSpec stories.
- Rob McKinnon - "A Ruby Journey"
- Daniel Tenner - Adobe Flex: what it is, why he uses it with ruby
- Dafydd Rees - "When shouldn't you use a DSL? and what can you do instead?"
- David Salgado - Rails deployment platforms
- Roland Swingler - Pattern matching in ruby
- Laurie Young - Design patterns in ruby
A video of the meeting, filmed by Skills Matter, is available on Google Video or on the Skills Matter site.
QCon Ticket Raffle
The kind folk organising the QCon conference have given us a ticket to raffle off. Of immediate interest to us would be the track on ruby, but the rest of the conference seems interesting as well, with topics of interest such as agile development, new languages and domain specific languages to name just a couple of the other tracks on offer. To give away the ticket we'll do the same thing as we've done on past occasions and choose the lucky recipient from the names of the attendees on the night.
Once the excitement of the slides and ticket raffle have died down, we'll head on over to The Crown Tavern. This pub is only a couple of minutes walk from the Skills Matter offices and so is perfect for a post-meeting chat and drink. As usual, if you're not sure that you'll make it in time for the main meeting, you are more than welcome to just head along to the pub and meet up with us there.
Please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. They need us to register so they make sure we get the most appropriately sized room, but they can only accommodate a larger than usual meeting (more than 80 folk) if they get enough notice to book a bigger room, so register now rather than later. There's also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.
Posted by Murray Steele on Jan 25, 2008