November 2007 Meeting

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 12th of November, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..


Building a UI framework on top of Rails

Matthew Wilson has been working on an application that has delved further and further into true ‘web application’ territory, and away (to some extent) from the standard RESTful one-page-per-resource object-graph-browsing application structure favoured by DHH. In order to achieve this he decided that what was needed was a widget-based UI framework that sat atop Rails. As well as showing off the resulting framework, Matthew’s talk is going to focus on the experience he had in building an architecture on top of Rails.

Matt has posted some more info about his talk over at the playlouder development blog, and the slides are available from the same place.

Scripting OS X with Ruby

Matt Patterson is going to give us a whistle-stop tour of Apple’s Open Scripting Architecture, which is normally hooked into through Applescript. He’s then going to tell us how to get to it through Ruby and why we should care. In a final flourish, the talk will be topped off with a practical sample application munging entries in the system address book right before our very eyes.

Slides are available here.


Once the last question has been asked of our weary speakers we head to The Crown Tavern, a charming little pub located just moments from the Skills Matter office. We’re a friendly bunch, so if you don’t think you can make it for the talk-based part of the meeting then just pop along to the pub and say “Hi”.


As usual, please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come. This way they can manage seating and make sure we get the most appropriately sized room. There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.

Posted by Murray Steele on Oct 20, 2007