August 2007 Meeting

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 13th of August, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..


No theme this month unfortunately, unless you count random Ruby goodness as a theme. No? Ah well, I’ll try better for next time.


Our main speaker for this meeting is Frederik Fix, who has been delving into the dark work of ruby2ruby and ParseTree. This stuff is, in Frederiks own words:

quite advanced and very experimental. But that makes it all the more interesting.

To prove it, he proposes a talk with the following structure:

  • Intro to Abstract Syntax Tree
  • How to get it from ParseTree
  • Examples of how to use the AST
  • Demo of a plugin that using all this to translate Ruby to JavaScript

Now, that does sound interesting, doesn’t it?


Jay Phillips fresh (or massively jet-lagged) from Ruby Hoedown is going to talk to us about Adhearsion. The talk he’ll give will be a distilled version of his Hoedown talk, titled Next-Gen VoIP Development with Ruby and Adhearsion. The gist from the Hoedown site is:

Adhearsion’s creator Jay Phillips will discuss Ruby’s work in VoIP and how even complete telephony novices can powerfully develop their own VoIP system with Asterisk and Adhearsion using pure-Ruby for all application logic. Attendees will see Jay develop a sophisticated Adhearsion application that integrates and handles calls from the public telephone network and integrates with a Rails application. Adding a voice component to a web application is much easier than you think!


Stephen Bartholomew’s talk about StaticMatic has been postponed until next month to make space for our Jay’s talk, as Jay is only over for one meeting.


The Crown Tavern just round the corner from the Skills Matter office is where we’ll retire to don smoking jackets, grab our pipes and recline in high backed leather armchairs making extravagant wagers about circumnavigating the globe. If that sounds like your kind of thing, but you can’t make the presentations, come along just for this bit.


As usual, please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come, so they can manage seating and making sure we get the most appropriately sized room. There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.

Posted by Murray Steele on Jul 23, 2007