April 2007 Meeting

The next meeting of LRUG will be on Monday the 16th of April, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at our usual Skills Matter venue at 1 Sekforde St..


A video of the meeting, filmed by Skills Matter, is available on Google Video.


First up, Paolo Donà will be giving his talk about the TabNav plugin that he missed from our February meeting due to his being ill. You can read more about this talk on the February meeting page.

REST Discussion

Following that we’ll have a REST discussion, chaired by Jonathan Leighton, about the new RESTful features that Rails 1.2 brings us. There were two long threads on the LRUG mailing list that sparked this off, so you should read them for an idea of what we might cover.


If we have enough time, we may do another installment of code-review at some point in the evening. At our last meeting we didn’t get round to covering all the code, and people seemed really positive about making this a regular feature. We’ll try to post the code we’re going to cover onto the mailing list before hand, so we can get straight to the reviewing without having to explain it first.


As usual, please register with Skills Matter if you are planning to come, so they can manage seating and making sure we get the most appropriately sized room. There’s also an upcoming event for those of us that love online calendaring.

Posted by Murray Steele on Apr 04, 2007